Tech Articles — chainsaw race piston
How To Blow Up Your Saw With A Titanium Wrist Pin
Posted by Bill Lockwood at
These are racing parts with a shorter life than the OEM equivalent, and therefore sold with no warranty. Despite a very-noticeable performance increase, they will fail after 35 (or less) tanks of fuel in a ported 372xp running our piston. They are, however, very high quality and will stress your saw less due to lighter weight.
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- Tags: chainsaw race parts, chainsaw race piston, chainsaw wrist pin, hot saw parts, hot saw piston, hotsaw parts, light chainsaw wrist pin, lightweight wrist pin chainsaw, ported chainsaw piston, ported husky piston, titanium chainsaw wrist pin, titanium chainsaw wristpin
5 Reasons To Put A Dominant Wiseco Piston In Your Husky 372
Posted by Andrew Wellman at
5 Reasons To Put A Dominant Wiseco Piston In Your Husky 372 Hey Dominant Fans, This is Andy from West Hill Saw House, the co-owner of Dominant Saw, and the saw-tech who designs and tests all things saw. Today I ok'd the production specs of remaining batch of lightweight Dominant Saw X Wiseco 372XP super pistons. Right from the box these little gems will drop in and up the performance of your saw noticeably. You don't have to be a veteran saw modder, you don't need a burr grinder, you just need to be handy and thorough. Lighter Reciprocating Piston Weight Spools up...
- Tags: best piston for 371, best piston for 372xp, best piston for chainsaw, chainsaw piston ceramic coating, chainsaw piston coating, chainsaw race parts, chainsaw race piston, hot saw parts, hot saw piston, hotsaw parts, hotsaw piston, Husqvarna race piston, Husqvarna race saw, jonsered 2171 piston, jonsered 2171 piston mods, ported 371 piston, ported 372, ported 372 piston, ported 372xp, ported chainsaw piston, ported husky 371, ported husky piston, ported jonsered 2171